Uber Match

Offer vehicle

Chevrolet Onix Plus

Listed by Vip Rent a Car

Joined Mar 2023

Vehicle availability
Available 24/7
Vehicle storage
You are responsible for parking this vehicle in a secure location.
Eligible services
Comfort, UberX
Weekly rental
Other expenses from supplier

Quilometragem livre, Manutenção por conta da empresa, Disponibilizamos carro reserva, Suporte dedicado, Veículos novos e em excelente estado

  • Vehicle Insurance
  • Maintenance
Other benefits from supplier

Não retemos os seus ganhos na plataforma. Gerencie os seus ganhos e realize o pagamento semanal via pix 8 dias após o uso do veículo. Retire o carro apenas com o pagamento do caução. Necessário aprovação de cadastro.


Buscamos motoristas experientes com mais de 25 anos na cidade de Salvador.

  • Proof Of Address
Pickup location
Call support at
0800 006 8060
The information on this page is provided exclusively by a third party. Uber is not responsible for the content, offers made by third parties, or any subsequent engagement with third parties derived from the contents on this page. When engaging with a third party, you enter into an agreement directly with them, to which Uber is not a party. For questions, please contact the third party directly.
R$ 1.080,00
Offer vehicle

Chevrolet Onix Plus

Listed by Vip Rent a Car

Joined Mar 2023

Vehicle availability
Available 24/7
Vehicle storage
You are responsible for parking this vehicle in a secure location.
Eligible services
Comfort, UberX

Buscamos motoristas experientes com mais de 25 anos na cidade de Salvador.

  • Proof Of Address
Pickup location
Call support at
0800 006 8060
Weekly rental
Other expenses from supplier

Quilometragem livre, Manutenção por conta da empresa, Disponibilizamos carro reserva, Suporte dedicado, Veículos novos e em excelente estado

  • Vehicle Insurance
  • Maintenance
Other benefits from supplier

Não retemos os seus ganhos na plataforma. Gerencie os seus ganhos e realize o pagamento semanal via pix 8 dias após o uso do veículo. Retire o carro apenas com o pagamento do caução. Necessário aprovação de cadastro.

The information on this page is provided exclusively by a third party. Uber is not responsible for the content, offers made by third parties, or any subsequent engagement with third parties derived from the contents on this page. When engaging with a third party, you enter into an agreement directly with them, to which Uber is not a party. For questions, please contact the third party directly.