Uber Match

Offer vehicle

Kia Soluto

Listed by Oswaldo Villegas Vasques

Joined Mar 2024

Vehicle storage
You are responsible for returning the vehicle at the end of the day.
Eligible services
Comfort, UberX VIP, UberX
Monthly salary
  • Parking
  • Vehicle Insurance
  • Maintenance
Other benefits from supplier

El conductor tendra un sueldo fijo de 1,800.00 nuevos soles mensuales. Desde el primer día ingresan a planilla. Se trabaja de lunes a sabado. Hay vacantes para turno día y noche. Muy aparte los bonos se pagan semanal

Los interesados contactarse al 974918408


El horario de trabajo es turno día desde las 6a.m. hasta las 5 p.m. Y turno noche desde las 6 p.m. hasta las 5 a.m.

  • Proof Of Address
Pickup location
Call support at
1 (866) 987-3743
The information on this page is provided exclusively by a third party. Uber is not responsible for the content, offers made by third parties, or any subsequent engagement with third parties derived from the contents on this page. When engaging with a third party, you enter into an agreement directly with them, to which Uber is not a party. For questions, please contact the third party directly.
PEN 1,800.00
Offer vehicle

Kia Soluto

Listed by Oswaldo Villegas Vasques

Joined Mar 2024

Vehicle storage
You are responsible for returning the vehicle at the end of the day.
Eligible services
Comfort, UberX VIP, UberX

El horario de trabajo es turno día desde las 6a.m. hasta las 5 p.m. Y turno noche desde las 6 p.m. hasta las 5 a.m.

  • Proof Of Address
Pickup location
Call support at
1 (866) 987-3743
Monthly salary
  • Parking
  • Vehicle Insurance
  • Maintenance
Other benefits from supplier

El conductor tendra un sueldo fijo de 1,800.00 nuevos soles mensuales. Desde el primer día ingresan a planilla. Se trabaja de lunes a sabado. Hay vacantes para turno día y noche. Muy aparte los bonos se pagan semanal

Los interesados contactarse al 974918408

The information on this page is provided exclusively by a third party. Uber is not responsible for the content, offers made by third parties, or any subsequent engagement with third parties derived from the contents on this page. When engaging with a third party, you enter into an agreement directly with them, to which Uber is not a party. For questions, please contact the third party directly.